A Strategy for Spatializing Degrowth at Home: Commoning of Housing





Commoning of housing, Co-management, Co-ownership, Co-production, Spatializing degrowth


Many theorists advocate for "economic degrowth," which entails "scaling down production and consumption activities," as a radical proposal to achieve environmental sustainability and social justice. This is in response to the increasingly destructive nature of economic growth on a planet with limited resources, as well as the unequal distribution of the costs associated with changes to planetary boundaries. The examination of spatial production and consumption processes holds significant potential for realizing the social transformation required for economic activities to operate within planetary boundaries. However, the scarcity of studies on how the ideas of degrowth can be translated into the material world highlights the need to focus on how degrowth will manifest spatially. The problem of spatializing degrowth will be addressed in this study, with a focus on housing. The injustices inherent to growth-oriented housing production processes make it imperative to discuss the spatialization of degrowth through housing. For degrowth to manifest spatially at home, the spatial modes of production inherent to economic growth, the spatial consumption patterns, and the social relations produced by space need to become compatible with the fundamental goals of degrowth. To provide a compass for aligning housing production and consumption processes with the fundamental objectives of degrowth, it is imperative to identify the toolkit employed by economic growth for spatialization and to analyze criticisms directed against existing housing degrowth experiments. Through the analysis of these two principal themes, commoning of housing emerges as a viable strategy for spatialization of degrowth at home.


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Author Biographies

Gamze Öztürk, Istanbul Technical University

Gamze ÖZTÜRK is a PhD candidate in Architecture Design at Istanbul Technical University. She completed her undergraduate degree in architecture at ITU and also pursued the master's program with her thesis titled "Gaze Regulations on Architecture." Her doctoral research primarily focuses on housing for degrowth. Since 2014, she has been working as the exhibition and programmes manager for the Istanbul Biennial at the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV).

Ayşe Şentürer, Istanbul Technical University

Ayşe ŞENTÜRER is a full professor of architecture at the Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture. She completed her undergraduate, graduate and doctorate degrees at ITU. She teaches upper pool architectural design studios and diploma project at the undergraduate school, gives courses and supervises thesis at the architectural design graduate program concentring on theory, design and criticism including architectural theory, design theory, representation, and aesthetics.


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How to Cite

Öztürk, G., & Şentürer, A. (2024). A Strategy for Spatializing Degrowth at Home: Commoning of Housing. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(1), 368–390. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2024.288


