Traditional Architecture in the Central-Northern Mediterranean Region: Tectonics and Typological Analysis of Traditional Mut Houses




Architectural tectonic, Mut, Traditional houses, Typology, Turkish House


Architectural tectonics is a crucial starting point for comprehending traditional houses in terms of their form and usage. The components of land use, material use and construction technique, and plan layout, which reveal "tectonic integrity," are the criteria that are considered. This study employs the typology method to question the tectonics of traditional housing architecture located in the central northern part of the Mediterranean Region, specifically through the example of Mut Houses in Mersin province. The typology study has facilitated the identification and quantification of the diverse array of architectural solutions and details that are characteristic of the region. Mut is a medium-sized district situated in the mountainous parts of the Central Taurus Mountains, with a settlement history dating back to the Roman Period. The fact that microclimatic conditions impact the supply of materials and construction techniques, and the cultural context influences the use of land, garden, and space, ensures that traditional Mut houses possess a distinct appearance in this region. Regrettably, these houses, which contain important details of the region, are at risk of extinction. This article documents the tectonic values of traditional Mut houses and conducts a typological analysis of them.


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Author Biographies

Ayşe Manav, Toros University

Ayşe MANAV completed her primary and high school education in Mut, Mersin. She completed her undergraduate studies in Architecture at Çukurova University (2010), her master’s degree at Selçuk University (2013), and PhD at Gazi University (2020). She has been working at Toros University since 2016, and currently she is the head of the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture. Her research interests are conservation of historic sites, industrial heritage, and reuse of cultural heritages.

Zehra Gediz Urak, Çankaya University

Zehra Gediz URAK is currently an instructor at Çankaya University, Faculty of Architecture. She has previously worked at the Faculty of Architecture at Gazi University in Ankara, Türkiye. She completed her undergraduate studies in Architecture at Gazi University, her master's degree at Middle East Technical University, Institute of Science, and her doctorate at Gazi University, Institute of Science. She has directed numerous master's and doctoral theses on topics related to architectural analysis, restoration, and conservation. She conducts research on Environmental and Architectural Conservation. Her current research focuses on the indoor and outdoor space quality of historic buildings.


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How to Cite

Manav, A., & Urak, Z. G. (2024). Traditional Architecture in the Central-Northern Mediterranean Region: Tectonics and Typological Analysis of Traditional Mut Houses. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(2), 606–637.


