The Impact of Covid-19 on Real Estate Demand Based on Green Spaces: Case Study of Türkiye (Ankara)




COVID-19 pandemic, Real estate demand, Open-green space, Spatial and econometric analysis


The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 revealed its impact on various sectors inside our country. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of changing socio-economic lifestyle habits during the COVID-19 pandemic on the demand for real estate in Çankaya and Keçioren districts of Ankara., specifically regarding open and green areas.  The study’s approach involves doing statistical analysis on a dataset consisting of around 28,400 entries from the REIDIN Data&Analytics. This analysis is performed using the E-Views Economic Analysis software. Linear regression analysis and the Kalman Filter Method are used. Then, spatial analyses were performed using GIS by using kernel density analysis. It has been observed that Çankaya's unit pricing per square meter has been found to be higher than those of Keçiören. Based on the residential real estate type, the rate of preference for houses with gardens and distinctive green areas was 4.17% in 2018, 4.22% in 2019, and 4.45% in 2020 in Çankaya district, and 0.13% in 2018, 0.15% in 2019, and 0.14% in 2020 in Keçiören district. Comparisons indicate that the rates in Keçiören are very low. It was concluded that demand for green-space real estate in the Keçiören district increased after the pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period. On the other hand, in the Çankaya district, there has been a decrease in monthly demand for real estate with green areas since March 2020. During the same period, demand for real estate with green areas in Çankaya remained stable.


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Author Biographies

Hatice Gül Önder, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

Hatice Gül ÖNDER received her PhD degree from Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2018. She is now an Associate Professor Dr. at the Academy of Land Registry and Cadastre in Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey. Her research interests are in urban planning, urban transportation planning, real estate and property management.

Göktuğ Şahin, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

Göktuğ ŞAHİN received his PhD degree in Economics from Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2020. He is now an Assistant Professor Dr. at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey. His research interests are macroeconomics, environmental economics, energy economics, cultural economics and monetary economics.

Aslı Özdarıcı Ok, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

Aslı ÖZDARICI OK received her PhD degree from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2012. She is now a Professor Dr. at the Academy of Land Registry and Cadastre in Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey. Her research interests are in applications of land and mass evaluation, object detection, image classification for remote sensing.


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How to Cite

Önder, H. G., Şahin, G., & Özdarıcı Ok, A. (2024). The Impact of Covid-19 on Real Estate Demand Based on Green Spaces: Case Study of Türkiye (Ankara). ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(1), 391–416.


