Determination of Drinking Water Basin Protection Zones: Case of Beyşehir Basin, Türkiye




AHP, Drinking water basin, GIS, Protection zones, Sustainable watershed management


Global climate change, one of the most important problems of today, and human activities have negative effects on the sustainability of natural resources. It has become necessary to establish planning and management mechanisms for the sustainable use of drinking water basins within the protection-use balance. Beyşehir Basin, Türkiye was chosen as the study area. The aim of this study is to present a new model approach for the use of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information Systems, based on the unique topographic, hydrological, and environmental characteristics of the basin, in the determination of the drinking water basin protection zones. Thirteen criteria, which affect the reaching of the pollutants to the water surface and reflect the topographic, hydrological, and environmental characteristics of the basin, were used in the determination of the protection zones. As a result of the study, it was determined that 2.83% of the basin is in the absolute protection zone, 44.97% in the short-range protection zone, 35.93% in the medium-range protection zone and 16.26% in the long-range protection zone. In the last stage, the conservation areas determined by the current legal regulations for the basin and the protection zones determined by the model approach were spatially and areally compared. According to the results of the comparison, it was determined with the proposed protection model that the absolute protection, the short-range protection, and the medium-range protection zones increased areally, and the spatial distributions of these protection zones were shaped according to the structure of the basin.


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Author Biographies

Halil Burak Akdeniz, Konya Technical University

Halil Burak AKDENİZ, graduated from İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University Department of Geomatics Engineering. He completed his M.Sc. in the Department of Geomatics at the Konya Technical University and e currently has been studying for Ph. D at the same university. He has been working as a research assistant in Konya Technical University Department of Geomatic Engineering since 2019. His research focuses on the cadastre, land management, GIS, and marine and coastal management.

Sinan Levend, Konya Technical University

Sinan LEVEND is an assistant professor at Konya Technical University, Türkiye. He received his bachelor’s degree in 2004, MSc. in 2008 and PhD. in 2015 from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of Selçuk University. TÜBİTAK supported him within the scope of the International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program in 2018-2019 for post-doctoral studies at the University of Liverpool. He is conducting research activities in the areas of urban planning, urban policy, decision making, neighbourhood planning and GIS.

Şaban İnam, Konya Technical University

Şaban İNAM has been working as an assistant professor in Konya Technical University Department of Geomatics Engineering since 1986. He participated in various scientific research projects to urban renewal and cadastre. His research focuses on the cadastre, land management, urban renewal, urban land readjustment.


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How to Cite

Akdeniz, H. B., Levend, S., & İnam, Şaban. (2024). Determination of Drinking Water Basin Protection Zones: Case of Beyşehir Basin, Türkiye . ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(1), 417–443.


