Tracing the Evolution of Sustainable Architecture: An Analysis Spanning Five Decades




Sustainability, Climate change, Socio-cultural sustainability, Reuse, Bibliometric analysis


This study aims to reveal the relationship between architecture and sustainability in the approximately half-century history of sustainability. The study reveals bibliographic characteristics such as change, trend, period, country and author in the terminology of sustainable architecture. A systematic literature review was carried out using bibliometric analysis to produce a performance analysis and science mapping of scientific studies in the field. Bibliometric network visualisations were created using VOSviewer software to analyse the conceptual, social and intellectual structure of the field. This study contributes to the literature by deciphering the bibliographic parameters of sustainable architecture studies conducted between 1975 and 2022. It also identifies current trends in the field and provides a chronological perspective on scholarly studies based on environmentally conscious architectural approaches. The scope of the study is limited to sustainable architecture studies in the Web of Science database, taking into account the range of resources and the speed of indexing. The studies were carried out using 15 keywords, which were predetermined for the scope and focus of the research. This study has enabled real and legal researchers to follow the developments and current course in the field. The broad temporal scope of this study, with its unique combination of research and potential to inform practice, underlines its contribution to the discourse on sustainable architecture and firmly establishes its rightful place. The analysis shows that research has gained momentum in recent years. Today, concepts such as sustainable architecture, climate change, sociocultural sustainability and reuse have come to the fore.


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Author Biographies

Hande Eyüboğlu, Samsun University

Hande EYÜBOĞLU graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Interior Architecture in 2017. She completed her master's degree at the same university and same department in 2021. She is currently working as a research assistant at Samsun University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design. Currently, she is a PhD candidate in the Department of Architecture at Karadeniz Technical University.

Serap Faiz Büyükçam, Ondokuz Mayıs University

Serap FAİZ BÜYÜKÇAM graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Interior Architecture in 2008. She completed her master’s degree in 2012 and her doctorate in 2018 at Karadeniz Technical University. During her graduate education (2010–2018), she worked as a Research Assistant at Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Interior Architecture. Currently, she is working at Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture.


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How to Cite

Eyüboğlu, H., & Faiz Büyükçam, S. (2024). Tracing the Evolution of Sustainable Architecture: An Analysis Spanning Five Decades. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 12(1), 46–74.


