Via Design Focused Thinking Model, Surface Design Specific to Corridors Used by Children with Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy, creativity, design education, design focused model, surface designAbstract
The design that results from information processing is expressed through the use of numerous visual, verbal, or numerical parameters. Numerous methods, both traditional and contemporary, have been used in design education from the beginning to the present. Design thinking ( is a model used to represent the cognitive process through which design concepts are developed. Among the experiential learning methods is the design thinking model, which has become popular in recent years. The use of a design-focused thinking model in interior architecture education is reviewed in this study to see what kind of contributions it makes to the emergence of creative ideas. The study aims to increase the student's creative thinking development potential in the design process, reveal concept development skills, develop original design skills, and, as a result, make a cognitive contribution to design education. The study included a total of twelve students from the interior architecture department, divided into three groups. All of the students involved in the research visited the Selcuk University Medical Faculty Hospital Mehmet Emin Bakdemir Cerebral Palsy Treatment Centre, which was chosen as the sample area. After defining the problem, the design-focused thinking method was used to create the wall surfaces of the corridor connecting the physical and treatment rooms, which are used by children with cerebral palsy. The procedure is divided into five stages. By performing various readings on the final designs that emerged, the development of creativity in students was observed. As a result of this study, which was conducted using the design thinking model, it was determined that the concept quality of the projects made increased. As a result, in concept studies where creativity is addressed in design education, it is recommended that the process be managed through experiential methods such as the design thinking method.
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