Announcement About Submissions


Dear authors and contributors of ICONARP (International Journal of Architecture and Planning),

After December 2023, when our last issue was published, the duties of the editor-in-chief, executive editors, copy editors and publication coordinators ended in February 2024. In the time that has passed since then, the journal system has been idle for a while due to the changes in the management of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of Konya Technical University and the changes in the ICONARP chief editor. During this time, delays occurred in the initial submissions and review processes of the articles submitted to the journal. With the new management of the faculty and the appointment of a new editor-in-chief, these problems will be resolved as soon as possible. The accepted manuscripts for publication in our upcoming June issue have been identified. The follow-up of all other articles submitted to ICONARP will be completed by the new journal team as soon as possible.

We ask for the understanding of our authors and contributors for these delays and thank you for your interest in ICONARP.