Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Based Accessibility Modeling Approach in Micro Scale Considering Physically Disabled Users: Case Study of Mimar Muzaffer Campus, Selcuk University




Accessibility modeling, physically disabled users, physical obstacles / barriers / transitions, micro scale (street, human, neighborhood scales)


The concept of physical accessibility refers to the availability, capability, comfort, convenience of transportation processes considering different urban obstacles / barriers and costs.  In this context, there are many approaches for the measurement and evaluation of physical accessibility in the literature which are used extensively as a decision support especially in transportation, geography and city and regional planning related disciplines.

Although there are large number of modeling approaches on physical accessibility modeling in macro scales (such as national, regional, city and town scales), the research on physical accessibility modeling, in micro scales (such as street, human, neighborhood scales), which could consider all the details of the perceived space seem to be extremely limited.

This study, which emerged from this lack of accessibility modeling literature, proposes a GIS-supported methodology to demonstrate how physical obstacles / barriers such as “buildings, landscape areas, walls, steps, stairs, pits, unfitted street furniture, other (garbage, rubbles, trees etc. that prevent access) etc.” and transitions such as “ramps with appropriate slope, elevators and/or “removing walls / steps” could be defined in GIS environment and how access and circulation in (outdoor) urban space could be modeled considering these physical obstacles / barriers and transitions especially taking physically disabled users (users using wheelchair, bicycle, baby's car, market car etc.) into consideration in the micro scale.

The proposed accessibility modeling methodology is conducted at Selçuk University, Faculty of Architecture, Mimar Muzaffer Campus Area. A polyline-based spatial GIS database has been developed to demonstrate how physical barriers and transitions could be modeled in micro scale in GIS environment in order to evaluate physical accessibility. The results of the study could provide an accessibility based decision support environment by visualizing and presenting how physical obstacles in urban space prevent physically disabled users from access and circulation and how the elimination or removal of these physical obstacles and creation of transitions will create a difference in access and circulation for the users in a comparable manner especially in micro scale.

This study is thought to make a significant contribution to increase accessibility levels of physically disabled users (users using wheelchair, bicycle, baby's car, market car etc.) in the outdoor urban areas in terms of demonstrating their accessibility and circulation capabilities.

The first primitive experimental model related with this research was carried out with the participants of the accessibility measurement and modeling session at the 3rd National Disability Workshop which is held in Selcuk University, Mimar Muzaffer Campus dated 2-3 May 2018.


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Author Biography

Kıvanç Ertuğay, Assist. Prof. Dr.

Faculty of Architecture and Design, Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Konya Technical University, Konya, Turkey.


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How to Cite

Ertuğay, K. (2018). Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Based Accessibility Modeling Approach in Micro Scale Considering Physically Disabled Users: Case Study of Mimar Muzaffer Campus, Selcuk University. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 6, 81–104.