The Concept of ''Disability'' in Architecture as a Power and Ideology Problem


  • Selma Saltoğlu Interior Architect, M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of History of Architecture, Istanbul
  • Aysun Aydın Öksüz Asist. Prof. Dr., Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of History of Architecture, Trabzon



Power, Ideology, Disability, Accessibility, Otherizing


The concept of disability, which is well accepted around the world and seem to be a statement of positive discrimination at first, requires to become a current issue as an equality problem in architecture and society today. In fact, the definition of disability and its intellectual basis are major and still invisibile obstacles to obtain equal rights for everyone regarding architectural accessibility and participation in social life.

In this study, the intellectual basis of the concept of disability in social understanding has been explored to identify the main problem. It has been realised that this understanding, which is to be seen also in architectural practices, has occured as an issue of power and ideology. On one hand, the society itself generates the definitions, classifies people and creates hegemony based on consent, and on the other hand speaks up for resolving the problems caused by this classifications with a total inactivity. Strong ideologies, which ignore the problems of existing definitions, forms absolute truths and minds unable to question. Therefore, the definition of “disabled” becomes approved by the entire society, although it does not include inseperable parts of society such as children, patients or elderly. These ideologies result in a communal power created by free will insted of enforcement. In this manner, even individuals classified as “disabled” accept the legitimacy of this authority. However, existing of such an accepted definiton causes otherizing and ignorance in society. It also affects architectural perception and plays a significant role in creating isolation projects such as “disabled-friendly houses” or “libraries for disabled”. These projects show that people defined as “disabled” are the dark subconsciousness of society willing to be forgotten.

When it is realised that the unity of differences creates the society, the classification will be forgotten, environments and mentallities will be shaped accordingly and designs will be created for everyone instead of designing for disabled. Bringing an accurate and fair point of view into existence, which is based on the mentioned facts, is the only way to solve the current problems in architectural practices and social inequalities.


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Author Biographies

Selma Saltoğlu, Interior Architect, M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of History of Architecture, Istanbul

She was born in Izmir. After completing her education in Bornova Anatolian High School’s German language based program in 2004, she graduated from Istanbul Technical University with a Bachelor degree in Interior Architecture in 2011. She has also studied in University of Coburg in Germany for six months as an Erasmus student. During her education, she worked part-time and continued her job as a corporate identity consultant and project manager in a private company after the graduation. To start an academic career, she quit her job and completed her Masters of Science degree in History of Architecture at the same university in 2016. She studies now for a doctorate degree.

Aysun Aydın Öksüz, Asist. Prof. Dr., Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of History of Architecture, Trabzon

She was born in Trabzon. She graduated from Ankara Gazi Anatolian High School in 1996. In 2001, she graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Architecture. In 2004 she received master's degree in Yıldız Technical University in Institute of Science from the Architectural History And Theory Post-Graduate Program. In 2011 received his doctorate degree in the same program. In 2012, she began her academic career as an Asisst. Prof. Dr. at Karadeniz Sea Technical University Department of Architecture in the history of architecture branch.


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How to Cite

Saltoğlu, S., & Aydın Öksüz, A. (2016). The Concept of ’’Disability’’ in Architecture as a Power and Ideology Problem. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 4(1), 49–61.


