Conservation of The Historical Town of Izmit Through The Restoration of Pertev Mehmet Pasha Mosque




Mosque, Mimar Sinan, diagnostics, minimum intervention, integrated conservation, cultural heritage.


The conservation of Pertev Pasha Mosque should not be considered as a mere practice of static or architectural restoration but as an integrated project to implement all those principles adopted by the “Conservation of Historic Towns Chart” (ICOMOS, 1986-87).

Promotion of the urban fabric therefore, represents the necessary correlation of conservation such as the research into appropriate functions expressing social needs and an active involvement of the factors necessary for its protection. This active involvement must be necessarily confronted with the peculiarity of the mosque, fostering its knowledge, the compatible proposal of use and a plan of intervention.

On the basis of the requirements above mentioned, the study is, in principle, developed through the acquisition and re-elaboration of the data referring to a macro area, i.e. Turkey considered as a nation. Passing through the analysis of the province and the city of Izmit, a micro-area that will be the focus of the analysis, has been identified.

The project provides integrations suitable to increase the background value, further emphasizing the whole Pertev Pasha complex, respecting the needs of territorial enhancement as well as those of the local community and those related to the cultural heritage and recovery.

The proposed actions will be divided into the following areas:

• urban

• functional

• punctual

The aim of the study is to suggest a model to conservative restoration that, although limited to a small part of the city, may in some way act as an incubator allowing Izmit, which today is a high-density city divided into two parts by the highway and separated from Its splendid coast, to return in the future, some of the balance and splendor that made it famous when it was called Nicomedia


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Author Biographies

Chiara Cusolito

Chiara Cusolito was born in Italy. She is graduated in Architectural Engineering at Polytechnic of Milan in Lecco. She is a Security Coordinator in the design and execution phase on construction sites in Milan.

Laura Di Marino

Laura Di Marino was born in Italy. She is a Tutor of Restoration class at the School of Building Architecture and Engineering at Polytechnic of Milan in Lecco. She is an Engineer specialized in energy efficiency and building renovation.

Alessia Silvetti

Alessia Silvetti is an adjunct professor of Conservation Studio at the international Master Architectural Engineering Polytechnic of Milan in Lecco, and adjunct professor of Restoration Studio at the School of Building Architecture and Engineering, Polytechnic of Milan in Lecco. She has been Tutor (2009-2016) of Restoration + studio classes at the School of Building Architecture and Engineering, and Tutor (2012-2016) of Conservation + studio classes at the international Master Architectural Engineering and Polytechnic of Milan in Lecco.

She’s received “Tangram of Architecture 2004” in an Italian National Competition. 

She’s interested in intervention of conservation and her focus on the historical buildings and visual quality assessment in landscape architecture.
She’s a member of National Bioarchitecture Institute section of Lecco.


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How to Cite

Cusolito, C., Di Marino, L., & Silvetti, A. (2018). Conservation of The Historical Town of Izmit Through The Restoration of Pertev Mehmet Pasha Mosque. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 6(1), 196–211.


