Universal Access in Historic Environment and Accessibility of The Haci Hasan Mosque in Eskisehir





Mosque accessibility, universal design, historic environment, Eskisehir


Urban heritage is one of the primary sign and symbols of human evolution through history. It means inherited civilization of predecessors and it is a unique and irreplaceable resource which reflects a rich and diverse expression of past societies and forms an integral part of cultural identity. It is not limited to the language or literature alone, but in the same time it reflects the capacity of man to overcome surrounding environment. It also includes the physical and sentimental elements of the community together with philosophy, religion, science, art and architecture in a society. In this context urban heritage, especially historic buildings and places, are significant because of their uses as places where people’s daily life activities. However, many heritage buildings also offer specific challenges that need to be overcome when providing access for all. Therefore especially for people with disabilities, elderly people or other types of temporary impairments, barriers exist which make visiting and using historic buildings and places difficult or sometimes impossible. For a society based on freedom and equal rights, making the built heritage more accessible is a key to providing its citizens with autonomy, freedom of choice and the means to pursue an active social and economic life. Accessibility is therefore fundamental right to access to the other rights and to fully participate in to the daily life.

 This study, which focuses on the accessibility of historic environment, is to discuss what actions are essential to ensure access and equal mobility conditions within mosque architecture to all people, regardless the diversity of their (dis)abilities.


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Author Biography

Osman Tutal, Anadolu University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman Tutal is currently working at Anadolu University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture. His researches mainly focus on accessibility for all, universal design/design for all, urban design.


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How to Cite

Tutal, O. (2018). Universal Access in Historic Environment and Accessibility of The Haci Hasan Mosque in Eskisehir. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 6(1), 126–141. https://doi.org/10.15320/ICONARP.2018.41


